Bavarian Cream
Tested @8%, Diluted in 70/30 0 Nicotine
Tested on a VV Pulse and a RX200s @ 130w with a Bonza 0.14 ohm dual coil Flaptons.
Manufacturers description “Bavarian cream flavor brings an extraordinary taste in baking treats and different pastries. This flavor is indeed very classic with so much richness.”
Specific gravity 1.06
1 Day steep
Thick Vanilla cream with a caramel like taste in the background and hints of chocolate.
8 day steep
Thick patisserie style cream with a sweet vanilla like taste, the chocolate notes are now present throughout the vape.
17 Day steep
No change
Suggested Usage
I’d use an accent at 0.25%-0.75%, a background flavour at 0.75%-1.5%, a main note at 1.5%-3%.
Standalone 3%-8%
I suspect that this may mute some flavours over time but will be useful at low % to smooth out harsh notes in a mix and also to thicken up the mouthfeel of a mix use at half the % of TPA Bavarian cream if subbing in a mix.
This would work well with fruits, bakery, ice creams, creams and tobaccos especially RY4 types.
FW Recommend – 15%-20%