Black Cherry
Tested @5%, Diluted in 70/30 0 Nicotine
Tested on a VV Pulse with a Bonza 0.14 ohm dual coil Flaptons.
Manufacturer’s description “A very realistic, fresh cherry flavor, true to the actual berry rather than a candylike or maraschino flavor.”
Cherry with a slight tartness and an underlying medicinal off taste.
5 Day Steep
Slight increase in strength, this is the taste of a slightly sour black cherry, there is some slight sweetness.
There is a bitterness on the back end of the vape that does give this a slight medicinal quality, this should get masked in a mux when used at a low %
11 Day Steep
The overall profile remains the same but that bitter off taste has now reduced in strength.
Suggested Usage
I’d use this primarily as an accent flavour at 0.25%-1% and a background flavour at 1%-2%.
Due to the medicinal off note I wouldn’t use this as a main flavour but if you don’t get that off note use at 2%-4%.
This is best paired, as an accent, with other cherries to give that slight tart/sour taste to them.
This should work well with creams, bakeries and beverage types as long as it’s paired with another cherry.
TFA recommend – None available