Cereal Milk - Chefs Choice Flavour Notes

Cereal Milk

Tested @ 5%, diluted in 70/30 0Nic

Tested on a R200 Bonza dual coil 0.14ohm Flapton @ 100w

Chefs Flavours description None available


Dairy milk taste, slight plastic off note with an artificial generic fruit flavour. To me this tastes like sprinkles of a fruit loop type cereal left over in a bowl of milk

7 day steep

The fruit has now brightened up, it’s still artificial tasting with a mix of Lemon and other fruits. This still has the dairy milk taste with a plastic like off note, I believe the Vanilla that Chefs Choice uses doesn’t work well with my taste buds and gives this off note for me.

14 day steep

The off note has now reduced no other change in profile

28 day steep

No change

Suggested usage

I’d use this as an Accent 1%-2%, Background 2%-3%, and Main 3%-6%. Standalone 6%-10%

The slight off note I believe to be the Vanilla that Chefs Choice uses not agreeing with my taste buds if you don’t experience this from strong vanilla you probably won’t get this off note.

This would work well with in a cereal mix as an accent or background to give a little dairy note as well as helping out with mouthfeel, use as a main flavour in a fruit loops type mix to give you the cereal left over in the milk taste.

This may also work to add depth and interest to a fruit Milkshake mix.

I’d use with Dairy, Cream, Cereals and fruits.

Chefs Flavours recommended usage - None available


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