Creamy Cake
*This flavour was provided by Chefs Flavours
Tested @5.2%, Diluted in 70/30 0 Nicotine
Tested on a R200 with a Bonza 0.14-ohm dual coil Flaptons.
Manufacturers Description “Sweet cake, special for dessert vaping with vanilla cream on top and hint of Advocate drink.”
A light Creamy sponge cake with a dusting of powdered sugar and cocoa
7 Day steep
Increase in strength to the sponge cake, no other changes
14 Day Steep
The powdered sugar and cocoa taste have now faded and become more of a background taste, with the creamy sponge cake being at the start of the vape
Suggested Usage
I’d use this 1.5%-2.5% as an accent, 2.5%-3.5% as a background flavour, 3.5%-6% as the main flavour
If you wanted this as a standalone flavour, I suggest 6%-8%
I’d use with Bakery, Cream, Coffee, Fruit, Chocolate, Vanilla, Nuts and possibly custard
This is a good sponge cake with a slightly buttery mouthfeel followed by a powdered sugar and light cocoa note, the cocoa may be light enough to get covered in a mix.
There is a vanilla and a light cream to this that rounds the profile off. The sponge cake element is fairly light so may need to be paired with another cake flavour to boost this.
Molinberry Recommended usage: - 6%-8%