Mandarin - VTA Flavour Notes


Tested @ 2% Diluted in 70/30 0 Nicotine

Tested on a RX200s with a Bonza 0.14 ohm dual coil Flaptons @ 130w.

Manufacturers description – “ A juicy sweet mandarin flavor that mimics the taste of a real mandarin, this flavour is a natural extract which will provide your e-liquid recipe that authentic mandarin ejuice taste. This concentrate mixes well with many citrus fruits such as lime, pineapple, orange, and could also be used in beverage, candy, alcohol flavoured e-liquid recipes


This is quite light, this tastes like a mandarin orange juice, this has a thin mouthfeel at the moment.

7 Day steep

No change

16 Day Steep

Increase in strength, this is an authentic sweet Mandarin Orange juice style concentrate, I’m not getting any flesh or pith from this.

This starts as a Sweet Juice style all the way through the vape, at the end of the vape there is a slight powdery dryness. That dryness should be covered in a mix.

This has a wet mouthfeel through most of the vape, although quite thin, then gets a slight dryness right at the end.

22 Day Steep

No change.

Suggested Usage

I’d use as a main note 4%-6%, Background 3%-4%, Accent 1.5%-3% and standalone at 6%-10%.

As this tastes quite thin to me I’d pair it with another Orange to add a little depth if using in a fruit mix.

I’d use with other Oranges, Fruit, Lemonades, some Alcohols, Creams, Ice Creams.

VTA Recommend 2%-3% in a mix and Standalone 5%-7%


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