Peanut Butter
Tested @5%, diluted in 70/30 0nic
Tested on a VV Pulse BF with a Bonza RDA 0.14 ni80 fused clapton dual Coil.
Manufacturers description “This is a rich and creamy, realistic peanut butter.”
*** Note: This flavor contains 'custard' ingredients: Acetoin & Acetyl propionyl.
3 day steep
Lick test: Generic Peanut Butter.
Vape: very light but buttery roast peanut.
8 day Steep
Lick: sweet strong roast peanut with an underlying salted butter.
Vape: smooth Roast Peanut with a slightly salted real butter taste - Similar to a Sun Pat smooth peanut butter spread.
Suggested usage
Unless this steeps stronger I would push this to 8-10% for a single flavour up to 7% for a main flavour in a recipe if it's up against other strong flavours and use 4-5% for an accent. I would use this wherever you would use PB in cooking, so strawberry Jams, Banana etc. May get overwhelmed by strong flavours.
TFA recommend – None available