Raspberry - Lauren's Flavour Notes


Tested @5%, Diluted in 70/30 0 Nicotine

Tested on a VV Pulse and a RX200s @ 130w with a Bonza 0.14 ohm dual coil Flaptons.

Chefs Flavours description – None available


Sweet and juicy Raspberry with a very slight floral taste at the end of the vape

10 day steep

Fairly realistic Raspberry that is Juicy and has a slight hint of the seeds in the mouthfeel, there is a slight tartness at the end of the vape, although this flavour is not overly strong, the initial floral note has now steeped out.

20 Day steep

No change.

Suggested Usage

I’d use an accent at 2%-3%, a background flavour at 3%-5%, a main note at 5%-7%.

Standalone 7%-10%

This will work well with other fruits, candies, beverages, may work well with lighter bakery flavours and possibly some creams.

I wouldn’t use this against strong or dominant flavours as it may get a little lost.


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