RY-4 - Molinberry Flavour Notes


*This flavour was provided by Molinberry

Tested @4%, Diluted in 70/30 0 Nicotine

Tested on a R200 with a Bonza 0.14-ohm dual coil Flaptons.

Manufacturers Description “Gentle tobacco with recognized taste of vanilla and a bit of caramel.”


This flavour is very light at the moment. Very light caramel with a hint of Vanilla and a light tobacco like note in the background

7 Day steep

This has now picked up in strength, the caramel and lightly woody tobacco is now coming through more, this has a low ash

14 Day steep

No change

21 Day Steep

No change.

28 Day Steep

This has now developed fully; the tobacco comes through first followed by a sweet and sticky caramel and a lightly creamy vanilla

Suggested Usage

I’d use this 0.75%-1.5% as an accent, 1.5%-2.5% as a background flavour, 2.5%-4.5% as the main note

If you wanted this as a standalone flavour, I’d suggest 4%-6%.

I’d use with Creams, Custards, Tobacco, Some fruits, Vanilla, Nuts, Chocolates


This is a mild ry4 type, with a slightly woody cigarette type tobacco, followed by a sweet and sticky caramel and a light creamy vanilla, the vanilla prevents this flavour from becoming overly dry. Use this wherever you want a milder RY4/Dessert tobacco

Molinberry Recommended usage: - 6%-8%


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