Acai (SL)
Tested @ 5%, diluted in 70/30 0Nic
Tested on a R200 Bonza dual coil 0.14ohm Flapton @ 100w
Manufacturers description – “That perfectly juicy, rich, purple berry, ideal for smoothies, you can almost feel the icy goodness on the back of your throat.”
A juicy raspberry with a blackberry like taste at the end, this is slightly syrupy and leaves a lingering mouthfeel of blackberry seeds.
14 day steep
This has now developed a slight dark chocolate taste that enhances the syrupy quality of this flavour, pushed higher than my testing % would bring that chocolate note out more
28 day steep
No change
Suggested usage
I’d use this as an accent 1%-3%, Background 3%-5%, Main 5%-7%, and Standalone 7%-15%
I’d use this with fruits, chocolates, creams, custards, bakery, beverage, coffee, alcohols.
As an accent flavour this will be useful to give some depth to raspberries and blackberries
CAP recommended usage - None available