Ash Cigar
*This flavour was provided by Chefs Flavours
Tested @2%, Diluted in 70/30 0 Nicotine
Tested on a R200 with a Bonza 0.14-ohm dual coil Flaptons.
Manufacturers Description “Very strong tobacco flavour, pure essence from tobacco leaves.”
High ash, slightly floral tobacco that is dry and woody with notes of Oak and Coffee
7 Day Steep
No change
49 Day Steep
No change
Suggested Usage
I’d use this 0.25%-0.5% as an accent, 0.5%-1% as a background flavour, 1%-2% as the main flavour
I’d use with Tobaccos and possibly custards/creams
This is an aromatic Cigar with high ash notes, this is dry with hints of Oak and Coffee, used as an accent this would add an authentic ash taste to a tobacco mix as a background/main this would work well in a Cigar mix
Molinberry Recommended usage: - 6%-8%