Banana Milkshake
Tested @10%, Diluted in 70/30 0 Nicotine
Tested on a R200 with a Bonza 0.17 ohm dual coil Ni80 Flaptons @ 100w.
Manufacturer’s description – None available
Slightly candy like Banana with a slight sour dairy note with a medium thick mouthfeel
7 Day steep
The sweetness of the banana has increased. This has now developed a plastic like off taste, please note though that I do occasionally taste some vanillas and egg notes as a plastic taste, I feel that this is possibly a string Vanilla in the background, however this % would be the upper limit of this concentrate for me.
14 Day Steep
No change
25 Day Steep
The plastic like off note I had from this concentrate has now increased in strength, this seems to contain a common ingredient also found in the CC Banana Yoghurt and CC Banana Custard that doesn’t agree with my taste buds.
Suggested Usage
I’d use as a main 5%-7%, Background 3%-5%.
Due to that plastic like taste I would use no higher than 7%, if you don’t experience that off note I would suggest 7%-15% as a standalone flavour.
Use with Banana, Dairy, Cream, Custard and some red berries.
Chefs Flavours Recommend – No recommended % available