Banana Yoghurt
Tested @10%, Diluted in 70/30 0 Nicotine
Tested on a R200 with a Bonza 0.17 ohm dual coil Ni80 Flaptons @ 100w.
Manufacturer’s description – No description available
Ripe and slightly candy like Banana followed by a creamy yoghurt with a medium thick mouthfeel.
7 Day steep
No change
14 Day Steep
The yoghurt has got a very slight sour note but not as much as a Greek yoghurt. After extended vaping this concentrate gives me a very slight plastic off note, however I believe this note is slight enough to be masked within a mix.
22 Day Steep
No change
Suggested Usage
I’d use as a main 10%-15%, Background 7%-10%, Accent 5%-7%. Standalone 15%-20%
I’d use this with other Yoghurts, Banana, Creams, Ice Creams, Vanilla and some red berries.
Please note that the slight plastic off note I taste may be the way I perceive certain Vanilla’s, I believe that for me this note would increase the higher I used this concentrate, others may not get this plastic off note.
I would primarily use this with other yoghurt flavours
Chefs Flavours Recommend – No usage % available.