*This flavour was provided by Chefs Flavours
Tested @4%, Diluted in 70/30 0 Nicotine
Tested on a R200 with a Bonza 0.14-ohm dual coil Flaptons.
Manufacturers Description “Full of vitamin C, blue, round and amazingly delicious. It’s BLUEBERRY! Great couple with creams, forest fruits, custards & candy blends.”
Sweet candy like blueberry, juicy with no flesh
7 Day steep
This has become a little tarter and is now getting some flesh like notes with some darker skin hints
14 Day Steep
No change
42 Day Steep
No change
Suggested Usage
I’d use this 1.5%-2.5% as an accent, 2.5%-4% as a background flavour, 4%-7% as the main flavour
If you wanted this as a standalone flavour, I suggest 7%-9%
I’d use with Fruit, Cream, Custard, Vanilla, Bakery, Nuts, Beverage, Florals
This is a slightly fleshy fresh blueberry that is authentic, whilst this is sweet and starts of as candy like, this steeps to become authentic with some tartness on the end. There are some slightly darker notes reminiscent of bilberry that gives the impression of skin and fills this out a little, this should work wherever you want a fresh authentic Blueberry
Molinberry Recommended usage: - 7%