Dr who?
Tested @1% diluted in 70/30 0nic
Tested on a Bonza 0.14 dual Ni80 Flaptons @ 1% 70/30 0Nic
Manufacturers description “The distinctive blend of Cola and Cherry with a hint of Almond was inspired by the famous Dr P fizzy drink.”
3 day steep
I’m not getting any flavour from this atm.
8 Day Steep
Lick- Cola with a slightly bitter aftertaste
Vape - a little like Dr. Pepper, a very light flavour generic cola with a hint of a pleasant cherry.
19 Day Steep
Vape - Flat cola like taste with a hint of cherry and almond (marzipan?) Slight vanilla, reminiscent of Dr. Pepper.
Suggested usage
Stand alone would need to be taken to 5%-7% to get a strong flavour.
This is a medium to long steeper at this %
Mix with other beverage type concentrates at 2-3% for a slight hint of cherry and almond. 3%-5% as a main taste in a recipe.
Should pair well with other Colas and Alcohol type concentrates.
FA recommend- None available