English Trifle
Tested @ 10%, diluted in 70/30 0Nic
Tested on a R200 Bonza dual coil 0.14ohm Flapton @ 100w
Chefs Flavours description – “You can't beat a bit of this old classic!”
Strawberry with a light custard and cream like taste and a slight cake taste in the background
7 day steep
The cream has become stronger but the rest of the flavours have faded slightly.
14 day steep
This has become brighter, I taste the strawberry first this is almost jelly like, this is then followed by a bright and creamy custard, I then get a light cake like taste, this isn’t light and fluffy like a sponge it is more like the density of a biscuit
28 day steep
No change
Suggested usage
I’d use this as a Main 7%-10%. Standalone 10%-15%
I get all of the elements of a Trifle here, Custard, Whipped cream, lady fingers and a strawberry jelly, this would have to go higher to get more flavour for me. This may make a good base to build your own trifle or just use in a custard to add some depth and complexity.
I’d use with Custard, Cream, Cake, Fruit and vanilla.
Chefs Flavours recommended usage - Mix between 10%-20% and allow to steep.