Drum Stix - Chefs Choice Flavour Notes

Drum Stix

Tested @ 10%, diluted in 70/30 0Nic

Tested on a R200 Bonza dual coil 0.14ohm Flapton @ 100w

Manufacturer’s description – No description available


Slightly floral raspberry with a creamy vanilla, sweet and slightly candy like mouthfeel.

7 day steep

The slight floral has now gone, this is still a little light at 10%, but does taste like a drum stick candy lolly.

14 day steep

Increase in strength, this has now picked up a very slight plastic like off note.

28 day steep

Increase in strength. The very slight plastic like off note is still there, however I believe this to be my taste buds not the concentrate as the Vanilla has increased in strength.

First I get that creamy Vanilla followed by the off note, that fades in and out of the vape then the Candy raspberry comes through at the end, this has a slightly sticky and full mouthfeel.

Suggested usage

I’d use this as a Main 7%-10%, Background 4%-7%. Standalone 10%-15%

Although primarily a standalone flavour I believe used as a background this may be useful to give a sticky mouthfeel to a mix.

I’d use this with Raspberry, Cream, Vanilla and some candy additives.

Chefs Flavours recommended usage - 10%-20% and allow to steep.


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