Mother Energy - VTA Flavour Notes

Mother Energy

Tested @ 2% Diluted in 70/30 0 Nicotine

Tested on a RX200s with a Bonza 0.14 ohm dual coil Flaptons @ 130w

Manufacturers Description – No description available


Slight bubble-gum like flavour and a vague energy drink like flavour in the background, I’m hoping this will come out more after a steep.

6 Day steep

The generic monster type energy drink type flavour has increased in strength and has now become more of a top note, however that bubble-gum like flavour is still there in the background although much lighter than it was on SnV.

I believe that the bubble-gum like flavour is just the way my taste buds interpret the fruit mix used in this concentrate.

15 Day steep

No change.

Suggested Usage

I’d use as a main flavour at 3%-5%, A Background at 2%-3% and an accent at 1%-2%. Standalone at 5%-8%

Use with other beverage types like Sodas and some Alcohols, Fruits and may also work with some Candy types.

VTA Recommend 1%-5% in a mix and 5%-9% Standalone.


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