Orange Tang - VTA Flavour Notes

Orange Tang

Tested @2% Diluted in 70/30 0 Nicotine

Tested on a R200 with a Bonza 0.17 ohm dual coil Ni80 Flaptons @ 100w.

Manufacturers description – “A juicy orange flavour with a slight citrus tang.”


Light and artificial Orange flavour, slightly dry and powdery with a candy like sweetness

7 Day steep

No change

14 Day Steep

This has now gained a light artificial orange juice/squash like flavour although the powdery mouthfeel and dryness remain at the end of the vape

22 Day Steep

There has been some slight fading, but the flavour profile remains unchanged

Suggested Usage

I’d use this as a main flavour at 2%-4%, Background 1%-2%. Standalone 4%-8%

I’d use with Oranges, Candy, Beverages. May work with some Creams and Vanillas

VTA Recommend - Mixed:1-3% – Standalone:4-10%


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