Sweet Mango
Tested @5%, diluted at 70/30 0nic
Tested on VV Pulse BF and Dead Rabbit 0.14 Ni80 dual fused clapton.
Manufacturers description – None available
1 day steep
Lick- Very Sweet with an underlying Bitter Mango Note
Vape - Very Sweet Ripe Mango with a slight Orange taste.
8 Day Steep
Lick - Sweet slightly over ripe Mango
Vape - Slight throat Hit, A Sweet and Juicy slightly over ripe Mango with a slight orange taste on the end of the vape.
Suggested usage
I would use this as a main note at 3.5-5% at the higher end will stand up to strong flavours well.
At 2-3.5% as support to other Mangos to add that juice taste and a little sweetness.
At 1-2% as an accent flavour.
Slight fading confirmed after 15 days.
Capella recommend – None available