Boysenberry - FLV Flavour Notes


Tested @ 1%, diluted in 70/30 0Nic

Tested on a R200 Bonza dual coil 0.14ohm Flapton @ 100w

Manufacturer’s description – “Clear boysenberry notes. Great for mixing with fruits, or with bakery flavors for a jam filling.”


Dark berry like a raspberry x blackberry not as floral as other boysenberries

7 day steep

No change

14 day steep

This has now developed a syrup like mouthfeel, no other change to the flavour profile

21 day steep

No change

27 day steep

No change

Suggested usage

I’d use as a main 0.75%-1%, background 0.25%-0.75%, Accent 0.1%-0.25%

I’d use with Fruits, Creams, Beverages, Candy, Bakery, Vanilla, Chocolates and possibly Custards.


This is a good boysenberry flavour without any floral taste, used low this would be good to add a syrupy mouthfeel to darker berries and make them Jam like, used higher this would become one of the more prominent flavours in a mix, I would use this wherever I want a good boysenberry flavour.

Flavorah recommended usage – Start at 1%


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