Charlie Tobacco
*This flavour was provided by Molinberry
Tested @3%, Diluted in 70/30 0 Nicotine
Tested on a R200 with a Bonza 0.14-ohm dual coil Flaptons.
Manufacturers Description “Blond tobacco, dry & sweet taste of caramelized apple.”
This is a very light tobacco, no other discernible notes due to the lightness of this
13 Day Steep
Slight increase in strength, this is a dry and sweet light tobacco with some caramel notes, this tastes a little like a RY4 type but without the Vanilla
23 Day Steep
No change
28 Day Steep
This has now developed a very slight caramelized apple like taste in the background
Suggested Usage
I’d use this 1%-2% as an accent, 2%-3% as a background flavour, 3%-4.5% as the main flavour
If you wanted this as a standalone flavour, I suggest 4.5%-6%
I’d use with Tobacco, Butterscotch, Caramel, Vanilla, Cream, Custard, Apple, Nuts and some spices
This is a light tobacco that requires a steep to increase in strength and taste, this is woody and dry tobacco reminiscent of a RY4 due to the caramel, there is a very light caramelized apple that will become more apparent the higher this is taken. I would primarily use this as a dessert tobacco and should mix well with most creams and vanilla’s
Molinberry Recommended usage: - 6% - 8%