Mad Fruit - FA Flavour Notes

Mad Fruit

Tested @2%, Diluted in 70/30 0 Nicotine

Tested on a RX200s with a Bonza 0.14 ohm dual coil Flaptons @ 130w

Manufacturers Description “ Used as a base for our Jaggerbomb, this energy drink flavour is on the nose!


Sweet and vague fruit flavour. This is Very light at the moment.

6 Day steep

This is still light in flavour, however there is now a vaguely ‘Red Bull’ like flavour.

14 Day steep

Increase in strength.

The first thing I taste is a mix of possibly red fruits, followed by an energy drink flavour filling in the middle notes and a slight tartness at the end of the vape. This gives an overall impression of a ‘Red Bull’ energy drink type flavour.

Suggested Usage

I’d use as a main flavour at 3%-4%, A Background at 2%-3% and an accent at 1%-2%. Standalone at 4%-6%

Use with other beverage types like Sodas and some alcohols. Red Fruits and Candy types.

FA recommend- None available


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