WF (SC) Lemon Squares - Wonder Flavours (WF) Flavour Notes

WF (SC) Lemon Squares

Tested @2%, Diluted in 70/30 0 Nicotine

Tested on a R200 with a Bonza 0.14-ohm dual coil Flaptons.

Manufacturers Description – None available


Sweet and candy like lemon with a thick curd like mouthfeel followed by a buttery bakery. The bakery taste is between that of a cake and cookie. This imparts a slightly crumbly mouthfeel

7 Day Steep

No change

14 Day Steep

No change

21 Day Steep

The bakery now tastes like a shortcrust pastry

39 Day Steep

The lemon has now faded, the buttery bakery remains

Suggested Usage

I’d use this as an accent 0.5%-1%, Background 1%-2%, Main 2%-3%

I’d use this with Fruit, Bakery, Custard, Cream


This starts of with a strong curd like lemon and a bakery background note, the bakery is buttery and biscuit like, during a steep this transitions into a shortcrust pastry unfortunately the lemon fades off during a steep to become a very light accent. Due to the fading of the lemon over a longer steep, if using this for the lemon I’d recommend adding another lemon into the mix to try to minimise the fading, if using in a short steep recipe of <21 days another lemon won’t be needed. The bakery part of this is very good so would work in a long steeping bakery mix

Flavour House Recommended usage: - 1% - 4%


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